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Throwback to That Time I Was on BBC America Talking to Jodie Whittaker

Happy Birthday to my space babe Jodie Whittaker! Marking this occasion got me thinking about my roller coaster of an experience at NYCC 2018. That experience culminated in not only asking Jodie a question at the huge Doctor Who panel at Madison Square Garden, but also ending up on BBC America during their airing of panel bits in the middle of the premiere. It was truly a Whovian's dream come true!

If you want to watch the entirety of the panel, click the video below. If you want to go right to the part where I embarrass myself and ask my question, I've linked it in the time stamp below the video.

Go to 24:22 to hear my question!

I hope all you Thirteen fans out there are celebrating in your own awesome way today. I feel like breaking out the cosplay and doing some impromptu shoots. (Perhaps that will be something for later this week.)

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