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#5FandomFriday: Self-Care

Back in 2014, bloggers Kristen from Super Space Chick and Megan from The Nerdy Girlie created a series of blog prompts called #5FandomFriday. Now, this tradition is being revived by online publication The Sartorial Geek (who I also write for)!

I neglected to jump in on the prompts last Friday, but I'm here today to talk about this week's subject - self-care. If I had to break it down, I can name five core aspects of my personal self-care routine. Maybe you can even relate to some of them...


1. Quality Animal Time

My four cats are my world. I am incredibly fortunate that I work from home on occasion; they help me focus and find motivation - even after staring at my computer for hours on end.

We know that pets decrease feelings of depression and anxiety as well as prolong life span. I'm not ashamed to say that mine help me with my anxiety symptoms, or just provide gorgeous photos for my Instagram feed.


2. Designing

I started my side business, Logan Arch, two and a half years ago because my anxiety had gotten overwhelming. Yes, I was (and still am) in therapy as well as being regularly active, but something was missing. Up until then, I did graphic designing alongside my marketing job, but I had never thought I was good enough to convert the skill into one of my old dreams of designing clothes and accessories. Now, I put digital pen to paper (or screen) when I need to clear my head. Out of this habit has spawned some unique designs, and a thriving small biz. (If I do say so myself!)


3. Cosplay Planning + Making

Cosplay has been a hobby of mine since 2008. Though I'm still not an armor building badass, I am incredibly detail-oriented and love taking the creative route to screen accuracy (or at least something close to it). I always cosplay characters near and dear to my heart. (If it's not authentic, then why do it?) Once a season, I review my TV, movie, or other media faves, and I begin planning how I can best capture their essence in costume. For 2020, I'm already looking at continuing my Thirteenth Doctor cosplay antics, adding to my collection of Nadja looks, and planning to branch out to fandoms like The Good Place for this year's C2E2.


4. Research (Especially Historical!)

One thing you need to know about me if you don't already is that I love graveyards. For me, it's about the mystery of discovering who people were when alive as well as remembering people who probably have no one left in the world.

I was bitten by the research bug around age 12. My grandmother is a amateur historian and certified genealogist. She would bring me along to libraries, courthouses, and anywhere else you might need to look for 100+ year old documents. Now, online resources are a bit friendlier, but that urge to research just for the sake of it has never left me. I also attribute my fascination with true crime, missing people, and John and Jane Doe cases to my love of research. Internet sleuthing has brought several generations of people together - all convinced they can solve a mystery like this. (Queue Robert Stack's voice saying "Perhaps you may be able to help solve a mystery.") Researching helps my brain to "turn off" for a bit with the added bonus of learning new things. For me, there could be no better downtime activity.


5. Outfit Styling

I can't resist a colorful look. What can I say?

Since college, I've had some sort of blog dedicated to talking about styling and OOTDs. Before I had confidence to start designing, my creativity lied solely in putting together creative and strange looks. To me, feeling comfortable on the outside helps me put myself together on the inside.

Part of the freedom I feel when styling myself in my own way is connected to the restriction related to clothes I experienced as a child. It's a long (and not great) story, but until I was a teenager, I did not have much choice in what I wore or how I presented myself to the world. The moment I could slip free of the controlling the environment I was in, I shrugged it off and never looked back.

Now, I'm a gleeful colorful and pattern-mixing dresser who is always looking for a way to one-up herself. No matter where I go in life or how old I get, this is one habit I will surely never relinquish.


I had so much fun sharing my first post for #5FandomFriday! I can't wait to see what inspiration takes over for future prompts. If you want to talk about this post, or even your own #5FandomFriday self-care points, you can drop me a line via Instagram at @theyseekherthere.

Until next time!

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